
2024-2025 Enrollment 學年 (Start Registration 開放註冊)


Tzu Chi Academy, Walnut 2024 Registration Notice


  1. 開學日期:08/17/2024
  2. 新、舊生註冊費:$40.00 (不可退費)  
  3. 學費:$580 (包含一學年秋季及春季學費,舊生05/31/2024 前報名,享$40學費折扣)。
  4. 註冊日期:在校生及在校生兄弟姊妹 04/12/2024開始。
  5. 2024華語探索營週六班學生,可享有折扣碼,暑期課程完成後將會收到折扣碼。
  6. 同一家庭,第二位及以上報名,可享家庭成員$30優惠
  7. Pre-Kinder 幼幼班:為學齡前孩童,以輕鬆有趣的環境,開始接觸中文。
  8. Zhuyin 注音班,Pinyin A 拼音靜班:為初學中文的學生,分為注音及拼音。
  9. Pinyin B 拼音思班:為年齡在八歲以上至十五歲初學中文的學生。
  10. Chinese 1 中一以上,報名則以程度及本校學生晉升一級的學生。



  1. School Start date: 08/17/2024
  2. All student registration fees: $40.00 (non-refundable)
  3. Tuition: $580 (Early Bird: Students registering before 05/31/2024 may receive a $40 Tuition discount. )
  4. Registration date: returning student and siblings 04/12/2024.
  5. 2024 Summer Happy Learning students can use coupon code for 2024 Enrollment.  2024 Happy Summer Learning families, please check mail to see the coupon code. 
  6. Sibling Discount: $30 off for additional siblings.
  7. Pre-Kinder 幼幼班:Designed for pre-kinder children to have fun environment learning Chinese.
  8. Zhuyin 注音班,Pinyin A 拼音靜班:The beginning classes for students who never learn Chinese before.
  9. Pinyin B 拼音思班:The beginning class for students elder than 8 year-old who never learn Chinese before.
  10. Chinese 1 中一and higher levels: The existing students of Academy Walnut will register one level higher.  New students can register as current school grade that we will re-arrange the class after an entrance test.
After completion of re-enrollment, you will receive a confirmation email. Please save it for future reference. We look forward to another school year with you and your child!


Learning Chinese


Tzu Chi is looking to create a brand new conversational class in which students learn to speak Mandarin in a fun and stressless environment.


View of Campus


Tzu Chi Academy Walnut is located in its own education campus.  The education campus has many facilities including teaching classrooms, basketball courts, baseball field, gymnasium, performance stage, flower & tea humanistic culture forum, Jing Si bookstore, Eco garden, and more.


Humanistic Culture & Character Education


Tzu Chi believes that when we create a foundation of moral values starting with our youth.  Tzu Chi Academy incorporate the Chinese language and culture through interactive and fun lessons


Holiday Celebrations


Holiday Celebrations & Festival
Students and families had holidays at school.  Many students showed their talent with singing and martial art.  Students brought back their bamboo bank with coins and bills that they saved day by day of their kindness.  The money will help people who need around the world.